Hodgman Must Stand Up for Northern Maritime Jobs

Home » Media Releases » Hodgman Must Stand Up for Northern Maritime Jobs
Andrea Dawkins MP
March 29, 2017

The Australian Maritime College in Launceston is the national centre of naval expertise. Maritime engineering, research and business skills have been their focus for over 40 years.

The Premier must make sure the jobs it brings, and has potential to bring, stay in Northern Tasmania.

Northern Tasmania has been enriched, economically, socially and culturally through the Australian Maritime College for decades.

The AMC has been highly successful, its graduates have a high employment rate.  They are in demand worldwide, with alumni spread across 56 countries.

The decision by the Federal Government to invest $25 million into establishing a maritime technical college in South Australia is clearly a political decision.  It makes no sense, and seems like political payback for the Liberals' poor performance in the Federal election.

Premier Hodgman should be lobbying his Canberra colleagues, to ensure Tasmania doesn't miss out, or worse, lose what we already have.

The research and development needed to support the construction of a submarine in South Australia is expected to last for 50 years, and be worth over half a $1 billion.  That would bring untold benefit to Northern Tasmania.

Tasmania should be front and centre from the beginning.  The Liberals can't let this opportunity slip from our grasp.

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